I do not see how it got rated so poorly, It is a great song.
Maybe they just want to put you down so they can look better in comparison.
I do not see how it got rated so poorly, It is a great song.
Maybe they just want to put you down so they can look better in comparison.
Excellent song, just a tiny bit repetetive but unique enough to fit a different genre.
A combination of soft rock, energy techno, and modern classical.
Project-Epsilon approves :D
Thanks man, I appreciate all feedback.
Infinite loop?
This song/loop is awesome and For those of you who don't know where you heard it from, You probably heard it from the end of Four Second Fury (yeah, the song is that awesome to remember) Anyway, if you play it in a loop, It is hard to recognize the end of the song. Before I found it here, I would seriously play Four second Fury until I win just to have that song in the background for my regular computing!!!
Just plain Awesome.
This Is an Epic song and I originally heard it from Unreal Flash: 2007.
It was the first song I have heard from you and made me realize how awesome Techno/Drum N' Bass is.
Thanks for the contribution to society! :)
Joined on 12/17/11