5 stars. enough said.
5 stars. enough said.
Means a lot, thanks bro!
Incredibly well done, although the phase at 1:59 was a bit too harsh.
And I am giving minor advice, not trying to find errors and being a jerk.
Great job.
Thanks for the review, although I wonder what exactly might be the problem, I haven't heard anything weird or out of place at that pint but I'll check it out and try to iron out the issues.
Well done. The first minute was a bit repetitive but incredible overall song.
Yeah i need to work on song structure and fills ect :D but thanks!
The dubstep didn't murder the song, well done, that is hard to do.
Insanely well built song, great instruments.
Thanks man! I tried not to overdo the dub lol
Sounds a lot like Midnight in Amsterdam, yes haha, I downloaded that awesome song before you could delete it. Anyway, why did you delete M.I.A. ? That was an Epic song.
I give this a 10/10, of course
Hmm that's very strange, I haven't deleted MIA. In fact I'm looking at what i've uploaded and it is still there, besides I would never delete one of my songs from here, maybe you have a bug. Anyways thanks a lot for the review!
This is insane. Great job.
Thanks a lot man! Every comment and criticism keeps me going!
An Interesting song, the common sound effect was a bit harsh but overall a great song, good job.
Thanks, and I agree it is kind of an acquired taste.
0-bomb! Muahahahaha! nah, I gave it a 5 :) I'd like to see a finished version
Joined on 12/17/11